SkinH plugin for Autoplay Media Studio

Salam Alikom, Today I share with you a great Action plugin for Autoplay Media Studio, it's called SkinH.
Made by Zloy Gelud, this plugin will help you to let your AIO or AMS program user change your project skin.
I mean you'll be able to create a "multi-skin" project. Like this

Great thanks to azizsoft for making this template

The plugins's author description 

Plugin allows to mount skins, install Aero effects for Windows XP, apply shadow to the window of the project, etc.
Source: SkinH Help File, Translated from Russian to English using Google Translate

Downloading the plugin

So, Let's download this plugin from Mediafire or 4Shared

Install notes :

  • Copy the folder and move it to Autoplay Media Studio plugin folder (C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoPlay Media Studio 8\Plugins\Actions)
  • Copy SkinH_EL.dll  and place it in "AutoPlay\Docs" folder of your project

Table of content

Gets a description of the error code.

SkinH_EL.dll library function loads into memory.

Switches the effect Aero.

Modifies the parameters of an effect Aero.

Loads the specified skin file.

Unloads the skin.

Loading skin file named c skinh.she, which should be located next to the executable project.

Loads the specified skin file and sets the tone, saturation and brightness.

Unloads the specified skin deskiptora window or control.

Sets the degree of transparency of the deskiptora window.

Sets the hue, saturation and brightness for the current skin.

Allows you to switch the ability to move the project window.

Enables or disables the specified handle to repaint control.

Sets the transparency of the system menu box.

Displays the main menu in the title bar.
Note: It is necessary to effect Aero thus turned off.

Sets the type of form or that control skin.

Template to test the plugin (Example) 

SkinH plugin for Autoplay Medi Studio testing template
SkinH plugin testing template
An open project by Azizsoft [1], (May Allah reward him well جزاه الله خيرا) the one on the video.
You just need to download this apz file from here (Mediafire).
  • As you see the user here can choose the skin/theme on the right from "تغيير الواجهة".

Surprise ! Some free AMS styles

By the way, Please accept this gift from me ☺

A collection of some AMS styles (skins)

At the end, I hope you like it and I thank Azizsoft for sharing the SkinH plugin for Autoplay Media Studio and making this wonderful preview-template.

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